Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 4: Paisley Caves & Ten Mile Butte


After hitting up Paisley's lone coffee shop, we headed to Paisley Caves. We were all excited because this particular site is known for having the earliest known evidence of the existence of humans in the Americas, dated to roughly 14,300 years ago. When we got to the caves, we were pleasantly surprised to find that the University of Oregon's Dr. Dennis Jenkins was leading an archaeological excavation at the site while we visited. After receiving an in-depth tour of the caves, Dennis suggested that we look for bones and raptor pellets in one of the caves not being excavated. Bones littered the floor of the cave and proved to be perfect for Daniel and Tony's sampling. After spending several enjoyable hours at the cave locality, we continued to Ten Mile Butte. Despite the difficulties associated with scrambling up loose volcanic rock, we were able to find a lot of intact raptor pellets at the base of several large raptor roosts as well as in wood rat middens. We then headed back to camp, quite content with the day's findings. One of Tony's grad students, Kaitlin, and her field assistant, Tony, joined us for dinner in order for all of us to go to the same site the next day. To finish off the incredible day, Susumu whipped out some jumbo marshmallows for making s'mores around the campfire.

The entrance to the University of Oregon's excavation of the Paisley Caves. 

Entering Paisley Caves. 

Dr. Dennis Jenkins explains the history of the caves through the different layers found beneath the cave floor.

Our group inside Paisley Caves.

University of Oregon students sort through cave sediments, looking for bones and certain plant matter as well as any small cultural artifacts.

Collecting bones on the floor of one of the Paisley Caves. 

Small mammal jaws and bone fragments found in the cave. Jaws are especially important to Daniel's work because they can be easily identified in the lab.

Anne looking for pellets in a large wood rat midden. 

Raptor pellets collected at Ten Mile Butte.

Jonathan playing fetch with Pepper at the base of Ten Mile Butte.

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